Thank you to PIKKL for these custom Santa Barbara FCA paddles!

PIKKL WEBSITE Click for Highlights from the day!


Gold Sponsors

Amazing Aces

Driving Returns

3rd Shot Drops

2024 (New) Format & Rules

All divisions


  1. Ladder Format: Players will engage in a ladder format where each game is played to 11 points. Court position will be  given in the order of registration.
  2. Time Limit: Each game has a maximum duration of 10 minutes.
  3. Court Rotation: After each game, players move up or down a court and switch partners.
  4. Recording Scores: Players are required to record their scores after each game.
  5. Time Adjustment: If a game is not completed within the 10-minute period, scores will be adjusted accordingly. For example, an 8-4 game may be recorded as 11-7.
  6. Tie-Breaking Point: In case of a tie, there will be a tie-breaking point to determine the winner.

Conclusion of Mixer Play:

  1. Single Elimination Tournament: After the mixer play, there will be a single-elimination tournament.
  2. Pairing: Players with the highest point totals will be paired together, and the pairing will continue based on the point standings.

If there are less than 10 teams, the tournament director reserve the rights to adjust formats accordingly. The goal will be to have fun, memorable and meaningful pickleball event.


Surface: Tennis Courts

Balls Being Used: Dura Fast 40

Questions - Contact Ryan Warner: rwarner@fca.org

  • Tom Landry Associates Sponsor - $10,000

    - You will be recognized by our national office as a part of the  Tom Landry Associates. 

    - Your name on the Championship Court. 

    - Verbal recognition at the opening program. 

    - Two 2' by 1.5' yard signs at the event and acknowledged on the website.  

    - 1 hour coaching clinic for 4 by a local coach *Date TBD*

    -You will receive 4 entries and swag bags to the tournament.

    *Names for entries are due on April 11th* 

  • Gold Sponsors - $5,000

    -Verbal recognition at the opening program. Two 2' by 1.5' yard signs at the event and acknowledged on the website. 

    -You will receive 4 entries to the tournament.

    *Names for entries are due on April 11th* 

  • Amazing Aces - $2,500

    - Two 2' by 1.5' yard signs at the event and acknowledged on the website. 

    -You will receive 3 entries to the tournament.

    *Names for entries are due on April 11th* 

  • Driving Returns - $1,000

     2' by 1.5' yard signs at the event and acknowledged on the website. 

    -You will receive 2 entries to the tournament.

    *Names for entries are due on April 11th* 

  • 3rd Shot Drops - $500

    -Logo/Name will be displayed at the event and acknowledged on the website. 

    -You will receive 2 entries to the tournament.

    *Names for entries are due on April 11th* 


Win the Gold before the match with our sponsorships! See our options and generous sponsors below.


 Join our team in welcoming the PB community . Email rwarner@fca.org!


Be a part of the fun competition and  and invite more players to join!

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